Here is code to create N samples of size n from a normal population with mean mu and standard deviation sigma.
Author Dr. Ernesto P. Adorio
Desc Sampling from the normal distribution.
Version 0.0.1 Sep. 1, 2011
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as stat
from math import sqrt
def normalsim(mu, sigma, n, N, statistic="mean"):
out = [0] * N
for i in range(N):
sample = stat.norm.rvs(mu, sigma, size=n)
#print sample,
if statistic=="mean":
out[i] = np.mean(sample)
elif statistic=="svar":
out[i] = np.var(sample, ddof=1)
elif statistic=="pvar":
out[i] = np.var(sample)
elif statistic=="ssdev":
out[i] = sqrt(np.var(sample, ddof=1))
elif statistic=="psdev":
out[i] = np.var(sample)
elif statistic== "min":
out[i] = min(sample)
elif statistic == "max":
out[i] = max(sample)
raise ArgumentError,"bad statistic."
#print out[i]
return out
v = normalsim(10, 4, 10, 1000, statistic="svar")
print np.mean(v), np.var(v)
When I run the program under the time command, time python, the shell outputted
15.7770857263 55.2458134956
real 0m2.681s
user 0m1.080s
sys 0m0.070s
Problem: Can you rewrite the code so it will be faster? HINT: a comparison is always used inside the loop!